our latest news

English for Careers III
May 27, 2018
Our first group of 15 Thai students traveled to VGC International College, Vancouver, Canada. Enjoy your learning experience aboard!

Meeting with VGC Executive director
October 6th, 2017
Rabbit Express welcomed Mr. Dominic Walton, executive director of VGC International College, to our office at the Trendy Building. After our enthusiastic 2 hour talks, we had come up with exciting
summer school programs and good promotions for next year (2018) which will be announced soon.

Visiting VGC
in Canada
September 7th, 2017
In early September, we had a chance to visit the VGC International College in downtown Vancouver. We were welcomed by Ms. Helen (Marketing coordinator) and Ms. Nonni (Thai student coordinator). The meeting went very well and was promising. Next, month we are expecting to meet with the VGC executive director in Thailand to finalize our programs.

August 2017- Rabbit Express met Mr. Richard Lee, director of the International House Vancouver (IH-Vancouver). We were interested to learn about their summer programs at the University of British Columbia in Canada and San Diego State University in USA. In the last couple of years, we sent a few students to UBC through the IH-Vancouver. Hopefully, we will be able to send more students next year.